The system provides for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data on various projects,polices or programmes to track whether actual investment programme results are being achieved and systematically and objectively assessing ongoing and completed project, programme or policy, its design, implementation and results and the effect on its beneficiaries.
We use the Logical frame (Log Frame) for monitoring & evaluation which is a practical design tool for improving the planning, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation of projects,polices or programmesby structuring their main elements and highlighting the logical linkages between them.
This provides for the activities to be undertaken and the results of those activities and the overall long-term impact of a projects,polices or programmes. Hence assisting in the bridging the gap between strategic intent and actionable projects,polices or programmes designs by defining the goals and providing a projects,polices or programmes framework that determines what is to be monitored and evaluated, develop the data collection tools, analyse and report on the data.